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FPPA | Florida Peanut Producers | Page 2

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Farmer Spotlight: Ryan Jenkins from Jay, Florida

Today’s peanut farmer spotlight is Ryan Jenkins from Jay, Florida 🥜

“When you love farming, it can be your worst day…everything can tear up but that night when you’re laying in bed, you absolutely cannot wait to go back the next day” – Ryan Jenkins

Ryan has been farming peanuts for 23 years, and also farms cotton, soybeans, corn, wheat, and oats. When asked what his favorite part was about farming peanuts, Ryan explained that is was honestly just farming in general. Ryan is not a planner, so farming works out good for him because it’s always changing, he doesn’t do the same thing everyday. He also loves watching them grow and keeping up with different herbicide and fungicide programs. To Ryan, and many other farmers, an advantage of farming is that it’s seasonal and each season brings a new task, such as digging or harvesting.

Ryan’s favorite way to eat peanuts are boiled, and added that there is nothing like the first boil of the year on July 4th. When asked if he prefers creamy or crunchy peanut butter, Ryan responded with creamy!

The most challenging part of peanut farming for Ryan has been that no matter how hard you work, things just don’t work out sometimes; you can control a lot but you can’t control the weather and breakdowns.

Ryan’s prediction for this year’s peanut crop is that in the area he is located in, the crops look strong. He believes that with optimism and faith, it’ll all work out in the end.
Some advice for young farmers that Ryan would like to share is to lean on their elders experience, be in touch with technology, and talk to God everyday. (We LOVE that advice!)

See pictures and Facebook article by clicking here —>  https://www.facebook.com/floridapeanutproducersassociation/posts/199224380712031?notif_id=1531318312861948&notif_t=page_post_reaction

Peanut Farmer Spotlight: Josh Davis of Chipley, Florida

Today’s Peanut Farmer Spotlight is Josh Davis of Chipley, Florida. Josh has been farming peanuts for 16 years and his favorite part of being a peanut farmer is picking them. When asked what his favorite way to eat peanuts was, Josh responded with “peanut butter straight out of the jar”.

We asked Josh what has been the most challenging part of peanut farming, and he responded with “This year getting them planted…sometimes it may be planting, spraying, picking, or getting the right price for them. Josh quoted his father, Sonny Davis, by saying that his dad recently used “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” from Forrest Gump to describe peanut farming this year.

Josh was asked for his prediction for this year’s peanut crop and he explained, “Well we’re always optimistic to having a really good year, we’re always positive…we’re optimistic for an exceptional year…maybe”.

We had so much fun visiting with Josh in the peanut field! Keep an eye out for our next Peanut Farmer Spotlight to be posted on our page in the upcoming weeks! 🥜🌱☀

Have You Tried Peanut Milk Yet?

Have YOU gotten your hands on Elmhurst’s peanut milk yet? If not, you are missing out on a delicious substitution to dairy milk and other milked nut products! Here are some nutrition facts about the newest milked nut craze on the market:
🔸130 calories per every 8 oz
🔸11 grams of HEALTHY fat
🔸6 grams of carbs
🔸5 grams of sugar (cane sugar = natural sugar)
🔸6 grams of protein (compared to 1 gram of protein in almond milk)
Did you also know that the best way to select healthy groceries is to always read the ingredients and make sure you can pronounce each ingredient and know exactly what each ingredient is? Another fun fact: the ingredients on products are listed in order of greatest to least amount of each ingredient in the product. Check out the 5 ingredients in peanut milk:
🥜filtered water
🥜cane sugar
🥜natural flavors (product of roasting or compressing natural flavors from the peanuts)
Now that you are craving some peanut milk, here are some direct links to buy your new favorite milk ⬇